The Corithian helmets, named after the Ancient Greek City of Corinth, developed in the first half of the 7th Century BC. It was the most common helmet of Ancient greek and even became popular in Italy.
Our replica is based on the Corinthian type but attached hinged cheek pieces. The helm is handmade of solid bronze sheet. It has no liner as the rivets would have damaged the helmet calotte. But we will add a soft padded cap to each helmet. A perfect piece for collectors and Re-enactors of the Ancient Greek era, such as Hoplites.
Product Details: -
-The helmet is manufactured to thickness 1.2mm (18 gauge) bronze
-Wooden crest with Black horse hair
-Easy fit to adult
-Comfortable to wear
-Historically accurate and authentic design
-Suitable for reenactments,
-high-end collection, or a perfect gift Fully wearable
-Padding liner is used inside the helmet
Size of this product: -
-Front to back: - (23cm)
-Ear to Ear: - (19 cm)
-Circumference: - (66 cm)
-Size: - Standard size, fits almost all adults