Chainmail Shirt is a type of Amour, consisting of small metal rings linked together in a pattern to form a mesh. Mail Amour provided an effective defence against the weapons, warding off the blow or thrust by a sword, pilum or spear, preventing the damage to the body, fracture or a bruise was an exception. The word chainmail shirt is of relatively recent coinage, having been in use only since the 1700s; The Roman army adopted the technology for their troops in the form of the Lorica Hamata which was used as a primary form of armour through the Imperial period. Several patterns of linking the rings together have been known since ancient times, with the most common being the 4-to-1 pattern (where each ring is linked with four others).
In Europe, the 4-to-1 pattern was completely dominant. Chainmail Shirt, tunics and armour in general has been widely used since the early Middle Ages. The English name Hauberk derives from the Old Frankish word 'halsberg', which originally referred to the neck protection. Before the advent of plate armour in the High Middle Ages, it was common for nobles and mercenaries to wear chainmail as a primary body protector. This is documented by the depiction of Norman warriors on the Bayeux tapestry. Mail armour was worn by knights in the Early Middle Ages. It (was) is composed of miniature metal rings. Its production is (was) very labour intensive. You will find mail shirts, mail gauntlets, mail shoulders and also metal rings in our e-shop. You can make a Chaimail shirt from metal rings alone.
Chainmail shirts make a great choice for historical events and living history. Fans of history are always looking for the right gear to portray mediaeval knights, Roman Soldiers, and other historical figures. Chainmail shirts offer both visual authenticity as well as functional protection at these events. In the worlds of Live Action Role-Playing, or LARP, and cosplaying chainmail shirts can add realism to historical figures and fantasy characters. Aluminium is a lightweight, durable material that can be used to make costumes comfortable for prolonged periods. Chainmail shirts can be found in many combat sports of today, including Historical European Martial Arts and Armored Combat League. For safety in full-contact fights, these sports require armor. Chainmail shirt offers essential protection while maintaining mobility.